
  Dream 探险套装 Sprite.png未完成  
  Bag 防尘护目镜 SV Sprite.png非正式术语  
Bag 阿克罗玛机器 Sprite.png 这个页面正在修改中,请其他用戶不要进行编辑以避免编辑冲突。
Bag 可疑补丁 SV Sprite.png 这篇文章包含爱好者的推测。

小智和小光(日文︰サトヒカ Satohika,英文︰Pearlshipping),简称智光。是一部分观众接受的宝可梦动画中的异性配对关系,基本命名方式是小智小光中有代表的字的组合,相似的还有智霞、智遥等。而英文翻译过来叫作「珍珠恋」,可能基于小光主要出现的寶可夢 鑽石&珍珠




  • 火箭队的机械臂击中小智和小智攀登火箭队机器时,即使小光初遇小智,她也表现出担忧的表情。
  • 山梨博士的实验室中,当大木博士和山梨博士正在通话时,小光提议和小智和小刚一起旅行,并说她可以花更多的时间来熟悉皮卡丘。这可能是她以皮卡丘为媒介来更好地了解小智。另外,和前作的小霞不同,小光没有立刻告诉小智关于皮卡丘电击损毁她自行车的事(直到爆诞!自行车道!!集才首次向小智提及)。
  • 当小智与真司的第一次展开战斗,小光很高兴她初次目睹了宝可梦的战斗。当小智的长尾怪手击败真司的小火焰猴后,小光对结果感到喜悦并大声欢呼。
  • 小光感到小智不尊重或认可她,大部分时间里都在彼此争吵。希望小智能够通过对战的方式认识到自己作为训练家的能力,所以向尚志发起了挑战。尚志后来设法向他们解释这种争吵是毫无理由的,小智和小光随后互相道歉,并以此让这段新的友谊更加牢固。
  • 清晨小光发现自己的头发一团糟,最终波加曼泡沫光线解决了问题。小光问小智需不需要梳梳头发。
  • 小光评论小智在华丽大赛中的表现。后来,在奔赴舞台上进行自己的展览时,她遇到了小智,两人进行他们的第一个击掌(即使看起来像小智先开始举手了)。值得注意的是,他们拍手的场景变慢并且背景为全白色。另外,在日文版本中,这里没有背景音乐,击掌声非常响亮。
  • 当小智在与瓢太的初次对战中使用的宝可梦特训时,小光提议借助属性更有优势的波加曼战斗,但是,小智拒绝了,说他想要使用同一支团队获胜。后来,受到化石翼龙攻击的太古盔甲镰刀盔反击打到了小智。小光带着她的宝可梦冲了过去,并专门问小智他「没问题」吧。
  • 小光和她的宝可梦穿着啦啦队服装为小智喝彩时。这是小霞小遥莎莉娜都没有做到的。
  • 当小智问及什么是宝芬,小光表现得很惊诧。小光取笑了几秒小智后,耐心地讲解了宝芬的知识。
  • 小光赢得了第一场华丽大赛赢得奖章后,她与小智第二次击掌。
  • 当小智一行人遇到勇崎和勇武兄弟并要求进行双打时,小光将自己作为小智的搭档,在输掉第一场战斗后,他们开始争吵,直到看到波加曼和草苗龟也为这场战斗而争吵时而停下来。小光率先道歉化解了紧张局势。当他们赢得比赛时,又再次击掌。
  • 当小刚夸赞小智是实践者时,小光立即符合自己也是“实践妹”
  • 小光告诉小智,她不介意小智在旅途开始之前弄坏自行车的事。此外,在这一集之前,她似乎从未告诉小智关于皮卡丘损毁自行车的事,表明她从未想过因这件事让他挂念。
  • 当小智试图去解救沙河马时,小光投以担心的目光,并叮嘱小智一定要小心。
  • 当小智载着沙河马时,小光问及小智的头是否劳累。而让一直在小智肩上的皮卡丘坐在自己肩上。
  • 当小光和小刚在迷宫再碰面时,小光第一时间询问小智的下落。
  • 当帕奇利兹没能顺利打下火箭队的热气球,反而电击了小智时,小光在墙壁另一头非常激动,并且问小智发生什么事了。
  • 当宝可梦打破墙壁后,小光见到小智满盈欢笑。
  • 在岔路口,小光采纳了小智的使用刚刚得到的抛硬币程序决定路线的建议。
    • 当小刚质疑这种方法后,两人不约而同地回答“没问题”。
  • 小光刚刚输掉了家缘华丽大赛,但小智为她买了家缘的双打对战大会的门票。犹豫良久后,她接受了小智的邀请,暂时洗濯了自己失利的悲伤。
  • 当真司说小智和小火焰猴都很没用时,小光为小智辩护,告诉真司这句话太过分了。随后,当小智告诉她不要理他时,小光似乎很惊讶。
  • 小智接受与花岩怪的战斗后,小光似乎非常担心小智受到伤害,并说“请小心,小智”。
  • 皮卡丘从雷电中恢复后,小光高兴地将双手紧紧扣在一起。
  • 在与花岩怪战斗之后,只有小智和小光跑到皮卡丘面前,以确保他没事。
  • 小光目睹小智带着他的宝可梦离开训练,并出于好奇而追随。后来,小光发现自己受到小智的训练的启发,但考虑到她最近的比赛失败,突然开始哭泣。小智注意到小光的眼泪,问她是否还好,眼睛是否有东西,后者询问了一个(尽管有错误的)小光可能迅速同意的假设。为了避免让他担心她的可能,小光立即在这次交流后请小智吃冰淇淋。小智热切地接受。
  • 小光阻止汤红告诉小智为什么她的所有青梅竹马都叫她「闪光」,显然是想阻止小智听自己尴尬的过去。
  • 当小光试图说服阿李再次参加道馆领导时,她向阿李承认她想知道是否是她拖累了小智。
  • 小光第二次在她的啦啦队服装中为小智和他的宝可梦欢呼。她甚至跳起舞来,甚至在下雨时也继续欢呼。
  • 小智声称,他战胜阿李的原因在于泳圈鼬仍在小光手中时对其进行的训练。小光很快脸红了。
  • 小智擦亮自己刚刚获得的铺石徽章,小光很激动。
  • 当小智接受阿庄的挑战时,小光大喊「不要输!」
  • 在小智输给阿庄之后,小光建议用雷之石进化皮卡丘。她提到这一点的原因似乎是她想帮助小智成功。
  • 特训时,皮卡丘抓住飞盘,给小光留下了深刻的印象,她对自己期待在战斗中看到皮卡丘的精彩表现发表评论。
  • 再战中,小光热烈鼓励了小智和皮卡丘。
  • 小光评论小智在训练他的宝可梦方面的表现非常出色,并指出“小智真不可思议!” 另外,当米可利谈到训练家与他们的宝可梦之间爱的重要性时,小光表示同意,直视小智,仿佛她刚刚意识到了涉及他的事情。但小智困惑地回头看着她。
  • 观看小智在米可利杯的表演时,小光似乎十分赞赏。后来,她上台时在走廊上遇见小智,与小智击掌。
  • 小智和泳圈鼬完成了冰冻水流喷射的高难度动作,小光为他感到自豪,
  • 在大部分情节中,小光一直强调真司无法充分发挥小火焰猴的潜力,但小智做到了。
  • 小智试图抑制他的猛火引起的暴走的小火焰猴,而宝可梦则将他咬在右肩上。小光试图冲向小智的身边,但被小刚阻止。她向小刚反驳道小智需要帮助,但小刚告诉小光让小智自己处理。
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Ash and Dawn exchange their first high-five in Mounting a Coordinator Assault!
  • 小光被众多飞行的天蝎吓坏了,她紧紧抓住小智的手臂,躲在他身后。
Dawn tells 莫妮卡(DP083) that Ash "won an amazing victory at the Pastoria Gym" and how she admires all of his success as a trainer.


At the end of the episode, after having captured Swinub, Dawn lets it stay on her right shoulder, just like Ash's Pikachu on Ash's right shoulder.
When Byron's Gym assistant exclaims that 东瓜 has the upper hand during Ash and Byron's gym battle, Dawn angrily objects, "I am telling you you're wrong! Ash is going to win it for sure!", thereby revealing how confident she is in Ash's abilities.
When Piplup leads Dawn and Brock to an empty area, Dawn says "There’s nobody here!" with a frown.
After Dawn tiredly says that she has had enough to her Piplup, Ash excitedly gets her attention, after which, Dawn's mood gets changed to a very positive one, and she says "It IS Ash!"
When Ash asks Dawn which Pokémon she will use in the upcoming Pokémon Contest, Dawn responds with a wink, slyly asking him, "Well, who do you think I would use?"
Dawn panics when she wonders what Snover is doing to Ash.
Dawn states that she wants to enter 小光的双尾怪手 in the 立浪镇 Contest so that she might win for both her and Ash.
When Ash gets nervous during the Ping Pong competition, he grabs a fan instead of a paddle to which Dawn informs him "Ash, that's a fan!"
Dawn ran into the room at the Pokémon Center, on the verge of crying, and Ash questions "Dawn, what's the matter?"
When the group finds Ambipom, she's hitting a ping pong ball against the building, and Dawn explains that O offered her that he'd train Ambipom to become a Pokémon Ping Pong player, and since Ash went through a similar situation before having to decide whether to trade her for Dawn's 泳圈鼬, she asks Ash "What would you do if you were me, Ash?"
After 小智的天蝎王 lost against Snover, Dawn was beginning to feel bad for Ash, apparently counting on his non-stop winning streak going through the entire match.
After Candace hands the Icicle Badge to Ash, Dawn notices Ash shivering, and gives him the coat that her mother gave him.
After Monferno collapsed, Dawn quietly says "Oh, no".
When Dawn noticed Ash crying over his defeat against Paul, she quietly says "Oh, Ash". Nobody else said anything at that point.
Ash, upset over his Pokémon team's injuries, runs off. Dawn, concerned, attempts to follow but is stopped by Brock. Nevertheless, Dawn later puts on a complex show for Ash, trying hard to improve Ash's mood and self-confidence. While Ash is initially oblivious to the Dawn's motivations, Nurse Joy soon informs him that Dawn went through so much trouble solely on behalf of him and his Pokémon.
When Ash fails to see the initial romantic connection between Marill and Piplup, Dawn makes a bizarre expression on her face that indicates some sort of disappointment that Ash really doesn't get romance. She even says "Talk about clueless!", with Pikachu agreeing with her, with the exact same facial expression. At that point, Pikachu could have picked up a few signs from Dawn that Ash is oblivious to.
After Ash's match with Palmer, Dawn tells Ash that she has a new way to show off her Pokémon.
When Ash, Dawn, Brock, 一成, and 琴音 are trapped in a storage room at the Valley Windworks, Lyra asks Dawn if Ash is her boyfriend. Dawn quickly denies this, expressing not only bewilderment but shock and defensiveness as well. Lyra, nevertheless, continues drilling Dawn on the subject, pointing out what she believes constitute Ash's strong points. Dawn appears to ponder some of Lyra's statements, perhaps realizing that Lyra has put him in a light she hadn't contemplated before.
After Ash falls into a 大颚蚁的沙穴, Dawn becomes worried a5nd scolds him for endangering himself. While the two argue, Lyra looks on and thinks to herself how nice it is that both Ash and Dawn care for one another as much as they do. Later, Dawn is once again startled by Lyra's talk of romance, although this time Lyra discusses the possibility of dating Khoury herself.
During the night, while Ash is training Gliscor for the Air Battles, Dawn wakes up and reaches him, giving him some shredded tin foils she prepared to help them in the training. Apparently, Ash never asked her to do that, so she projected the thing herself. She also spends the whole night outside with Ash (they're seen to stop training at the sunrise).
When Ash gives Dawn a cup of hot milk after her fainting, she seems surprised, and gently smiles at him telling it's been a very nice gesture from him. Probably, because of Ash's usual denseness, Dawn didn't expect him to be that tender with her. She thanks Ash, but doesn't say anything to Brock also when Ash tells her it's been Brock's idea. Later in the episode, after the appeal round, she has a high-five with Ash.
After the conclusion of the Grand Festival, 小望 asks Dawn if she would like to accompany her back to Snowpoint City. Dawn declines, saying she has something to do. 小望 assumes that this "something" is cheering for Ash in his upcoming battles, an assumption that Dawn soon confirms is correct.
Dawn again cheers for Ash and his Pokémon in her cheerleading costume for the third time.
Kenny invites Dawn to a journey together, but she's unsure about her future; she tells Jasmine that the only thing she's sure of is that she wants to support Ash during the Sinnoh League, without knowing what to do after that. When Ash and Kenny are battling, Dawn is supporting Ash as she used to do in every battle, and she looks sad when Kenny wins. Later, even if Kenny insisted, Dawn decided to stay, at least temporarily, still with Ash at the Sinnoh League. However, in the last episode, she will tell Ash she wants to come to Kanto with him, indicating that maybe she had already made that decision after Ash and Kenny's battle.
When Ash and Paul find Dawn and Paul walking together, Dawn looks awkward for a moment, and then runs to Ash's side as if embarrassed to be caught by Ash talking with another boy.
As Ash and Brock prepare leave the Sinnoh region, Dawn initially proclaims that she would like to accompany Ash to his hometown of Kanto, now that her Contest run has concluded. This plan is quickly derailed, however, when an opportunity for Buneary in Sinnoh presents itself. Near the episode's conclusion, as Ash and Brock walk away, Dawn calls out for Ash one last time, prompting a startled Ash to turn around and see her right arm raised high above her head. The two high-five for the last time (in the DP series) this seems to be the first time that's Dawn "asking" for the high-five). The camera pans down to show Pikachu and Piplup high-five and then hug one another. Dawn begins to cry as the boat departs but, upon hearing Ash yell words of encouragement, regains composure, quickly running after the boat and waving alongside a tearful Piplup.
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Dawn teasing Ash
When Ash enters 竹兰的 villa in 涟漪镇, Dawn playfully hides behind him while giggling when he cannot find her. She then surprises him with her appearance. Some moments later, she winks and raises her arm to propose Ash a high-five, like they used to do in Sinnoh. Later on, during her battle against Cilan's Pansage, Dawn also makes Piplup use Ash's old Counter Shield, a move they developed together.
Dawn begins to mimic 艾莉丝 in calling Ash a kid in order to tease him. When Iris and Dawn get separated from Ash and Cilan, Dawn seems worried about Ash.


Just like Dawn, after Nando told them that their arguing was baseless, Ash apologizes to Dawn, saying he hasn't been very nice with her.
When Brock says he can't find Dawn, Ash gets worried and says that he's going to look for her. After his performance, Ash meets Dawn in the hallway and wishes her good luck giving her their first high-five. After Dawn comes back from performing, Ash and Brock tell her she did a great job. Dawn falls to the ground in relief after Brock says "You should be feeling pretty good,", at which Ash says "Dawn, come on! You okay?". Dawn says she's fine.
Dawn dresses in a cheerleading outfit and cheers for Ash. Ash notices this and, with a grin on his face, remarks, "Gee, thanks, Dawn."
Ash decides to take the Poffin Course after Dawn starts to beg for them to take the class.
Despite being inexperienced, Ash is taking the class seriously, even if he ends up burning his Poffins.
Ash asks Dawn what is the reason for her to be using her Pokétch, and she answers that she is setting a timer. Ash doesn’t ridicule the idea.
Ash calms Dawn's nerves after she makes what she thought had been a bad appeal and consoles her through the use of Dawn's frequent catchphrase, "No need to worry!" (Japanese: "Daijōbu!"). While doing so, Ash expresses an encouraging look.
After Paul tells Ash that he has seen neither Brock nor Dawn, Ash wonders if his friends have gotten lost in the maze. He then imagines Dawn yelling, "No need to worry!" while being 绑紧 by an 大岩蛇 and immediately yells out, "That's when I worry the most!" In the original Japanese episode, Dawn yells painfully, "I'm all right! I'm all right!" while Ash wryly says "You're not all right at all!" He quickly tells Pikachu that they need to go find everyone.
Ash enrolls Dawn in the 家缘市 组队对战 Tournament in an effort to cheer her up following a recent Contest loss. Informed of this, Dawn objects on the basis that she won't do well, but Ash counters with his belief that she will do great and asks her to simply try her best. Dawn agrees, and Ash, with a big grin on his face, raises his hand to to give her a high-five.
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Ash showing emotion over Dawn's second Contest loss
Ash is deeply saddened when Dawn loses in the appeal round for the second time. After the loss, "Jessilina" walks up to her and tells her to leave. Dawn refuses, telling "Jessilina" that she wants to stay, while the camera focuses on Dawn's slightly shaking fist. The camera then cuts to Ash's face. The brown in Ash's eyes can be seen; this usually happens only when Ash is very upset. Ash lowers his head and hides his eyes behind his hat.
After 小望 shows Dawn the reason why she lost the appeals round, she tells Ash that a victory is a "good present" to give Dawn while winking at him.
When Ash sees how nervous Dawn is, he inspires her by telling her to have fun.
After the battle, after Dawn lost, Ash showed for a moment that he was sad for her. However, he quickly approaches her to tell her that she and Piplup both battled hard.
Ash credits the training Buizel underwent with Dawn while still in her possession for his recent earning of a badge from 阿李. Dawn blushes and replies, "Thanks, but it was all worth it to see an amazing battle between you and Maylene, Ash." Ash smiles widely at her.
Ash asks Dawn to dance during the 不良蛙祭典.
Ash and Dawn climb onto 火箭队的机器人, but Ash falls off. As he does so, Ash yells Dawn's name twice, once while falling and again after losing sight of her.
Dawn infuriates Ash by suggesting that Ash treat his Pokémon as 小茂 does. Some PearlShippers consider that to be jealousy over Dawn's supposed feelings for Gary.
Dawn becomes frustrated while designing outfits for the collection. Ash assures her that all of her designs are good and tells her to just do her best.
When Brock comments on how great 考平 is with his 毛球, Ash begins to worry and yells, "'Kay Dawn, hang in there!" Later, Ash is happy to see Dawn win the prize for being closest to her Pokémon.
Ash saves Dawn from Piloswine when it charges right at her.
Ursula insults Dawn, angering her. Dawn prepares a retort, but Ash beats her to the punch, yelling to Ursula that Dawn is a much better Coordinator and Trainer than she is.
Ash discovers that Dawn has fallen into the river and thus becomes worried. He continues to express concern over her well-being until she is found. Meanwhile, 小刚 does not show nearly as much concern.
When Dawn asks Ash and Brock about if her focus on getting her fifth ribbon was a bit much, Ash is the only one to reply, telling her that if he would be going for his last badge, he would be hung up, for sure.
Dawn puts on a show for Ash and his Pokémon, but Ash does not know why. Nurse Joy informs him that it Dawn is trying to cheer up not only his Pokémon but him as well. Ash quickly gives Dawn a weird look as if to say, "Is this true?" Dawn responds with a smile and a wink and starts the show. Ash and his Pokémon enjoy themselves.
When Lyra invites Dawn to battle with her 菊草叶, Ash exclaims, "Yeah, go Dawn!" and pushes her to the podium by the shoulder.
Lyra tries to play matchmaker with Dawn and Khoury as the target couple. Later, Ash and friends are separated by a flock of 超音蝠 while exploring a cave. Dawn is shown alone and scared with her 小光的波加曼, but, soon after, Ash is shown running up to her and calling out her name.
In this episode, Ash states Dawn is awesome and "number one."
In this episode, Ash is seen giving Dawn many kind gestures. First, after Dawn faints, Ash gives her some warm milk to make her feel better—though it is revealed Brock told Ash to go get it—and comments on how worried he is about her well-being. These kind words touch Dawn, prompting her to note that he is being really, almost uncharacteristically, nice to her. Later, during the Contest, Brock worries aloud that Dawn's performance might not go well; Ash objects and tells Brock that he thinks Dawn will be fine. Finally, after the first round of the Contest, Ash runs into the contestant area (Brock behind), telling Dawn that she was awesome and complimenting her Pokémon pair. Dawn is touched and she and Ash high-five. At the episode's end, 乌拉拉 comments on how close Ash and Dawn have become.
Dawn tries on a princess outfit leaving Ash with a visibly stunned face (though some say it's because she looks so much like Princess Salvia). Ash praises Dawn, commenting that the dress looks good on her.
Throughout the episode, Ash was constantly joking around with Dawn. At the beginning of the episode, Ash tells Dawn's mother that traveling with Dawn was a lot of fun and that he enjoyed her around. At the end of the episode, Ash becomes worried about Dawn when she was crying as he left so he yells her catchphrase and cheers her up.
After meeting Dawn again in Cynthia's villa, Ash exchanges a high-five with her, in sign of their old habit in Sinnoh. Later he loudly declares he wants to be the first to battle with Dawn, and when Cilan anticipates him, he looks very disappointed.
Ash gets discouraged when it's Dawn specifically who teases him.

Other hints

  • Unlike 小霞, 小瑶, 艾莉丝, and 莎莉娜, Dawn asks in a straightforward manner to come along with Ash in When Pokémon Worlds Collide! rather than coming up with some reason to hide her intentions. In return, Ash accepts her request. While Ash felt some obligation to Misty and May due to Pikachu ruining their bikes, Iris invited herself, while Serena was invited by Ash to travel with him, Clemont and Bonnie.
  • Since Mounting a Coordinator Assault!, Ash and Dawn are often seen exchanging high-fives whenever one of them accomplishes something, which might possibly portray a special friendship.
  • Ash and Dawn are the only main characters to trade Pokémon with each other: Ash's 小光的长尾怪手 for Dawn's 小智的叉尾浮鼬. This may symbolize they highly trust in themselves.
  • 小光的卷卷耳 has a crush on 小智的皮卡丘. 大木博士 and 小刚 have said in the past that Pokémon represent the feelings of their masters and when two Pokémon fall in love, there is a good chance the Trainers will too. However, it is to be pointed out that Buneary developed this crush before Dawn caught it. The claim has also been refuted at various points during the series, so the feelings of the Pokémon are not always definitive to the feelings of the Trainers.
  • Ash has watched all of Dawn's Contests. He did not do this with May because he would sometimes be training his Pokémon instead of watching her.
  • Dawn is the source of some of the moves and strategies used in battle by Ash, which include Ice Aqua Jet and Spin. Ash watching Dawn's Contest may (in part) be so he can learn new things to apply in battle, though some say this is because of advice given to him by others.
  • One of the movie posters for Giratina and the Sky Warrior depicts Pikachu and Piplup sitting on Ash's and Dawn's heads, respectively. Some fans have pointed out that the distance portrayed between Dawn and Ash is very small. However, other fans point out how Ash's hair, which can usually be seen from the sides of his hat, is not present. This may mean the Trainers are not really wearing their hats.
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PearlShipping in the Japanese opening High Touch!
The opening is sung by Ash and Dawn. The lyrics show how close their friendship is to each other and their Pokémon. But, mainly to each other.
  • On High Touch! / Surely Tomorrow's Japanese album, only appears Ash and Dawn with Pikachu and Piplup on the CD's cover so close each other giving a high touch.
While Dawn battled a revived 化石翼龙, Ash is fascinated with 小光的波加曼 and 小光的卷卷耳's new dodging tactic that he asks Dawn to help him practice for his rematch. He then has 小智的皮卡丘, 小智的长尾怪手, and 小智的草苗龟 use them in O'er the Rampardos We Watched in his rematch with 瓢太, again in Getting the Pre-Contest Titters in his match against Kenny, and a few other times since, the tactic becoming a regular (if not frequent) feature in Ash's strategy.
When Ash and Dawn were in the submarine, they saw a school of 爱心鱼. Some PearlShippers consider this a hint because Luvdisc's 图鉴 entry says if two people see a school of Luvdisc, they will be blessed with eternal love (however, there's been long-debated discrepancies about how much the anime and the game are relatable, and should not be taken at face value. Also, AdvanceShippers have a similar hint from the ninth movie).

Movie evidence

Dawn's hints

When 达克莱伊 first appears in front of Ash and company, Dawn runs over to Ash's side. At one point, as they are climbing the Space-Time Tower staircase, Ash almost falls off, and Dawn catches him. When they do fall out of the staircase and land safely, she holds his hand for a brief moment and smiles. When Ash begins to cry, believing he lost Darkrai, Dawn looks at him with a worried expression and begins to cry as well.
In the beginning part of the movie, Ash playfully splashes water on Dawn, then she does the same. When Ash tries to defeat Marcus, he has trouble beating 席多兰恩 and 青铜钟. As soon as they both attack Pikachu, Dawn and her Piplup protect Ash and Pikachu, and help him fight. During this time, Brock is not with Dawn and Ash but with 希娜 and 达摩斯.
When Ash became electrocuted, Dawn right away comes to his side to comfort him and make sure he is okay.

Ash's hints

When both Ash and Dawn are falling off the hot-air balloon because of Dialga and Palkia's moves, he grabs her hand, trying to save her; some moments later she falls anyway, and when she lands safe, Ash is relieved. When both Ash and Dawn are falling off the tower together, Ash holds Dawn tightly so that she doesn't fall. When they land, he shows a relieved smile.
When Dawn gets sucked into the Reverse World, Ash yells, "Dawn!" and runs after Dawn into the portal. Brock does not follow Ash's lead. Later in the movie, Brock says "I'm starting to notice a pattern here...", as if noticing Ash and Dawn being together throughout the events of the movie.
At the beginning, when Ash and Dawn are in the river, he playfully splashed water on her, causing the same reaction. During the opening music, when they battle against Kato and Kiko, Ash's Pikachu protect Dawn's Piplup from an attack, then Ash makes an "okay" sign to Dawn. Later they exchange another high-five, too; noticeably it happens while High Touch! is in the background, in the Japanese version.

Other movie hints

  • Movie posters
Throughout most promotional posters of Diamond & Pearl movies, Brock seemed to be excluded, leaving only Ash and Dawn in them.


  • Prior to getting their starter Pokémon, Ash and Dawn have both imagined about each of the three starters. Ash dreamed about Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander, while Dawn had a daydream about Chimchar, Piplup, and Turtwig, in these respective orders.
  • Ash lost a battle to both, Brock and Roark, who are the first Gym Leaders of their respective regions (Kanto and Sinnoh). When Ash lost to Brock, Misty offered to lend him her Water-type Pokémon, which he declined, though, rudely. Dawn offered to lend Ash her Water-type, Piplup, and Ash turned her down, though more respectfully.
  • When Ash and Dawn have started their respective journeys, they both started to get in contact with their mothers early on in their journeys.
  • They both had a rough start to their respective journeys, Ash in Kanto and Dawn in Sinnoh.
  • Neither of Ash or Dawn's fathers have ever been acknowledged on-screen in the anime. They are also only children with no siblings.
  • They both have childhood 劲敌s: Ash's is 小茂 and Dawn's is 健悟. In addition, Gary and Kenny have a fully-evolved Water屬性 starter Pokémon from their respective regions: Template:TP for Kenny and Template:TP for Gary.
  • Ash first participated in an official Pokémon Contest at the same time as Dawn.
  • They are the only main characters that have battled members of the 四天王.
  • Just like Ash's Pikachu, Dawn's Piplup was not ready to obey her when they first met. Eventually, they became friends.
    • Pikachu saved Ash from 烈雀 at the beginning of his journey while Piplup saved Dawn from 阿利多斯.
    • Both Dawn and Ash's first Pokémon have refused to evolve.
    • Both of their Template:Pkmn2s were able to defeat their evolved forms: 小智的皮卡丘 beat 马志士的雷丘 and 阿庄的雷丘, while 小光的波加曼 beat 健悟的波皇子.
    • As of Journey To The Unown!, 小光的波加曼 seems to have become an "out of the ball" Pokémon, as it rarely stays inside its 精灵球 anymore, and is often seen being carried around by Dawn just as Ash carries around Pikachu on his shoulder.
  • Both Ash and Dawn have owned Pokémon that refused to obey them at one point (小智的皮卡丘, 小智的喷火龙, and 小智的双尾怪手; and Dawn's 小智的泳圈鼬 and 小光的象牙猪).
    • Both also have a Pokémon they caught in its earliest form, which began to disobey them after evolving once, and then evolved again rather quickly. Eventually, both Pokémon started obeying their Trainers (however, it took 小智的喷火龙 longer to obey than 小光的象牙猪).
  • They both released the second Pokémon they caught: Ash released 小智的比比鸟 and Dawn released 小光的电栗鼠. However, Dawn recaptured Pachirisu and Ash said he would come back for Pidgeot (though he has yet to do so).
  • Just like 小智的妙蛙种子, 小光的波加曼 stopped evolving in the middle of the evolution process.
  • Both own a 火岩鼠 that evolved from a 火暴兽.
    • They both knew 火焰轮, 烟幕, 高速星星, and 喷射火焰. In addition, they both learned 喷火 immediately after evolving.
  • Both released a 小智的天蝎王 小光的双尾怪手 Pokémon from their current team for training during the the Diamond and Pearl saga.
    • Both are part of a two-evolution family and their base forms relate to Generation II.
  • In Get your Rotom Running, while communicating with 大木博士, 小智的树林龟 and 小光的长毛猪 tackle Ash and Dawn down with affection.
    • These two are newly evolved Stage 2 Pokémon.
  • Both Ash and Dawn have a primate Pokémon in training. Ash's Primeape is training for the Pokémon Grand Prix, while 小光的长尾怪手 is in training for Pokémon Ping-Pong.


語言 名字 來源
日文 サトヒカ 两人日语名字サトシ和ヒカリ的缩写。
中文 智光 和小的缩写。
英文 PearlShipping 来自第3部动画英文名Diamond&Pearl(DP)。
英文 SatoHika 来自两人日语名罗马音Satoshi和Hikari的缩写。
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